Ruban de filament unidirectionnel renforcé de fibre de verre

FI-M4722est un ruban économique renforcé de filament de 3,9 mils conçu pour la plupart des applications d’emballage, de palettisation et d’unification. Le film en polypropylène combiné avec un adhésif sensible à la pression en résine de caoutchouc agressif offre une excellente puissance de maintien aux cartons Kraft.


  • Bandage à usage général

Storage & Usage Conditions

Store tape in its original packaging away from direct sunlight and in a cool and dry area. For optimum performance, tape should be used within 12 months of date of shipment. Tape works best when applied to a surface that is clean, dry and free of grease, oil or other contaminants.

Épaisseur 3,9 mils
支持 Film de Polypropylène 1 mil
Résistance à la rupture 100 lb/po
Adhésif 树脂德橡胶synthetique
Capacité adhésive 69 oz/po
Allongement à la rupture 4%
Renforcement Fibre de verre
Couleur Blanc

The information cited is in good faith and has been established from sources held to be secure and reliable. The values listed are typical properties. Individual rolls may vary slightly from these values. All ECHOtape products are warranted to be free of defects at time of shipment. Many factors can affect the use and performance of a product in a particular application and the user must, by test or otherwise, determine suitability for purpose; Edelstein makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, concerning any application and usage if its products. If ECHOtape product is proved to be defective, the exclusive remedy, shall be for Edelstein to replace the defective product. ECHOtape shall not otherwise be liable for loss or damages, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including but not limited to, contract, negligence, warranty or strict liability.
